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Thank you for choosing Quadrant Laboratories for genetic testing!

Testing with us is simple, convenient and comprehensive!  Quadrant Laboratories uses a simple saliva collection kit, which can be conveniently sent to your home for easy collection. Say goodbye to lab visits and painful blood draws!


Here is what you can expect when testing with Quadrant Laboratories:

1.) Diagnosis

Following a diagnosis of autism, intellectual disability, or behavioral condition, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that your physician order genetic testing. Genetic testing offers personalized, biological understanding of your diagnosis. This assists in customizing a care plan that suits your needs.

2.) Benefits Investigation

When ordering genetic testing your doctor’s office will provide us with your insurance information. Our team will review your coverage and estimate any potential out-of-pocket costs not covered by insurance. This step can take up to a week to complete.

3.) Consent to Testing

Once we complete the benefits investigation you will receive an email or text detailing out-of-pocket costs (if any). 

  • If you would like to proceed with testing, click the Informed Consent and Financial Responsibility link in the message to verify your email address. You will then receive an email from Dropbox Sign with the forms. You will need to complete these forms to proceed with testing.
  • If you do not wish to proceed, please reply and let us know and we will kindly remove you from future correspondences regarding your testing. 

To ensure you don’t miss this important information, please make sure to check your spam folder for an email from Quadrant Laboratories! 

4.) Pre-authorization

Once we receive the signed forms, a pre-authorization may be required by your insurance carrier.

  • If required, our team will begin this process on your behalf. Please note it may take a few weeks to get your insurance carrier’s decision.
    • If approved,  we will notify you by email and will mail a saliva collection kit. 
    • If denied, we will notify you by email with alternative options. 
  • If pre-authorization is not required, we will notify you when the saliva collection kit is in the mail.

5.) Check your mailbox

A saliva collection kit will be sent to the home address we have on file, along with instructions on how to collect the sample and all the materials needed to mail the kit back to us.

6.) Collect the saliva sample

The saliva collection kit will contain 2 swabs for sample collection, both of these swabs are to be used for the patient in which the test was ordered.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Your kit may include more than one saliva collection device, these are ONLY for the patient, if more than one person had testing ordered a separate kit will be shipped
  • It is important to space the sample collection out for maximum collection quality, we suggest first thing in the morning before the patient eats, drinks or brushes their teeth, repeat the following morning if you have more than one swab in your kit
  • Do NOT eat or drink for thirty [30] minutes before the saliva sample is collected
  • When collecting, the swab tip should be in the patient’s mouth for 15-30 seconds for best results
    • Use the patient’s legal first and last name 
    • Record the exact time of collection for each sample, we need to know which sample was collected first
    • Be sure all the information is legible and accurate 
  • Please DO NOT cover the barcode when you add your label to the collection tube
  • We NEED to receive the sample within 10 days from when the sample was collected if it is not received within that time frame we may need to have you collect additional samples
  • You will receive one kit per patient, all collection devices contained in the kit are solely for the use of the ordering patient, if you have more than one family member completing saliva collection please be sure the correct label is on the correct saliva collection tube (we recommend completing one before starting another) 

7.) Return kit to lab

After our team receives the kit, we estimate it will take 4-6 weeks for our lab to perform the testing. Results will be sent to your doctor for review and access to genetic counselors will be made available, if needed.

Results are sent to your ordering provider and may be available in your patient portal at that doctor’s office.

Important Items to Note

  • If a cost is involved you will not be billed to you until after you receive your results 
  • You will have the opportunity to cancel testing at any time before the sample is received at our lab 
  • The instructions are included in the test kit, but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us!